1. General Terms
1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) applies to the website cvizor.com located at https://cvizor.com/ru/ and all related websites linked to cvizor.com.

1.2. This Agreement regulates the relationship between the Administration of the website cvizor.com (hereinafter - the Administration) and the User of this Site.

1.3. Administration reserves the right to change, add or delete paragraphs of this Agreement at any time without notice to User.

1.4. The continued use of the Site by User means acceptance of this Agreement and the amendments to this Agreement.

1.5. User is personally responsible for checking this Agreement for any changes to it.

2. Definition of terms
2.1 The terms listed below shall have the following meaning for the purpose of this Agreement:

2.1.1. Cryptovizor refers to the website located at the domain name cvizor.com, operating through the internet resource and related services. Cryptovizor provides information about market data from cryptocurrency exchanges, specifically Binance, through public APIs. We do not provide investment advice or financial consultations. All information on our site is an interpretation of publicly available market data.

2.1.2 Website or Site - an information-analytical resource containing information about financial markets, economy, and investments, as well as providing access to educational video materials on cryptocurrency market analysis.

2.1.3. Site Administration - authorized staff for the administration of the website, acting on behalf of cvizor.com.

2.1.4 Website User (hereinafter referred to as "User") - a person who accesses the website through the Internet and uses the Website.

2.1.5 Website Content (hereinafter referred to as Content) - protected results of intellectual activity, including texts of analytical materials, their titles, prefaces, abstracts, articles, illustrations, graphical, text, photographic, video, derivative, composite and other works, user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademark names, logos, computer programs, databases, as well as design, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, general style and arrangement of such Content, included in the Website.

3. Subject of the Agreement
3.1. The subject of this Agreement is granting the User access to the information and services available on the Website.

3.1.1 The Site provides the User with the following types of services:

access to the electronic service with the right to view content;
access to search and navigation on the Site;
the ability for the User to post messages, comments, user reviews, rate the Site content and organizations presented in the catalogs on the Site;
access to paid services, including a subscription to our cryptocurrency screener, access to video materials, and personal consultations with course curators;
other types of services available on the Site pages.

3.1.2. This Agreement applies to all of the existing (actually functioning) Site services, as well as any subsequent modifications and additional Site services, which appear in the future.

3.2 Access to the Site is provided on a paid basis.

3.3. This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the Site, User is deemed to have accepted this Agreement.

3.4. The use of materials and services of the Site shall be governed by the laws of the European Union.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties
4.1. The Administration of the Site has the right to:

4.1.1. change the rules of use of the Site, as well as change the content of this Site. The amendments shall come into force on the date of publication of the new edition of the Agreement on the Website.

4.1.2 Restrict access to the Site in case the User breaches the terms of this Agreement.

4.2. User has the right to:

4.2.1. Gain access to use the Site after complying with the registration requirements.

4.2.2 The User has the right to: use all services available on the Site, and purchase any services offered on the Site.

4.2.3. Ask any queries relating to the Services on the Site, using the details provided in the Contact Us section of the Site.

4.2.4. Use the Site solely for the purposes and in the manner prescribed in the Agreement, which is not prohibited by the legislation of the European Union.

4.3. Site User undertakes:

4.3.1 The User undertakes to: provide additional information directly related to the services provided by this Site at the request of the Site Administration.

4.3.2. Comply with property and non-property rights of authors and other right owners while using this Site.

4.3.3. To refrain from any actions that might be considered as disturbing the normal operation of the Website.

4.3.4 The User agrees not to use the Site to distribute any confidential information protected by European Union law about individuals or legal entities.

4.3.5 Avoid doing anything that might violate the privacy of information protected by European Union law.

4.3.6 The User agrees not to use the Site to distribute advertising information unless they have our consent.

4.3.7 The User agrees not to use the Site's services to: upload content that is illegal; violates any third party rights; incites violence, cruelty, hatred, and/or discrimination on racial, national, gender, religious, social grounds; contains false information and/or insults to specific individuals, organizations, or authorities. inducement to commit unlawful acts or assisting persons whose actions are aimed at violating restrictions and prohibitions valid in the territory of the European Union. violating the rights of minors and/or causing them any form of harm. infringement of minority rights. impersonating another person or a representative of an organisation and/or community without due authorisation, including employees of the website. misrepresentation regarding the features and characteristics of any service offered in a catalogue on the Site. inappropriately comparing a service or forming a negative attitude towards or judging persons who (do not) use certain services.

4.4 The User is prohibited from:

4.4.1 Use any device, programme, procedure, algorithm or method, automatic device or equivalent manual process to access, acquire, copy or monitor the contents of the website;

4.4.2 disturb the proper functioning of the Site;

4.4.3 By any means circumvent the navigational structure of the site to obtain or attempt to obtain any information, documents or material through any means not specifically provided by the services of the site;

4.4.4. Unauthorised access to the functions of the website, any other systems or networks pertaining to the website, or any of the services offered on the website;

4.4.5 Violate the security or authentication system of the Site or any network pertaining to the Site.

4.4.6. Perform backtracking searches, trace or attempt to trace any information about any other User of the Site.

4.4.7. Use the Site and its Contents for any purpose prohibited by European Union law and to incite any illegal activity or other activity that infringes the rights of the Site or of others.

5. Use of the Site
5.1 The Site and the content that is part of the Site are owned and managed by the Site Administration.

5.2 The Site content cannot be copied, published, reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any way, or posted on the Internet without the prior written consent of the Site Administration.

5.3 The Site content is protected by copyright law, trademark law, and other rights related to intellectual property and the law on unfair competition.

5.4 The use of services offered on the Site may require the creation of a User account.

5.5 The User is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, including their password, and for all actions taken on behalf of the User's account.

5.6 The User must immediately notify the Administration of any unauthorized use of their account or password, or any other security breach.

5.7 The Administration has the right to unilaterally annul the User's account if it has not been used for more than 12 calendar months without notifying the User.

5.8 This Agreement applies to all additional provisions and conditions for the provision of services provided on the Site.

5.9 The information posted on the Site should not be interpreted as a change to this Agreement.

5.10 The Administration has the right at any time and without notifying the User to make changes to the list of services offered on the Site, and changes in their parameters.

5.11. The documents specified in paragraphs 5.11.1 - 5.11.4 of this Agreement shall govern in their respective parts and shall apply to use of the Site by the User. This Agreement includes the following documents:

5.11.1. Privacy Policy

5.11.2 Usage Rules

5.11.3 Risk warning

5.11.4 Cookie Policy

5.11.5 Mailing agreement

5.12. Any of the documents listed in clause 5.11. of this Agreement may be updated. Changes shall take effect when posted on the Website.

6. Liability
6.1 Any losses that the User may incur in the event of intentional or reckless violation of any provision of this Agreement, as well as due to unauthorized access to the communications of another User, are not compensated by the Site Administration.

6.2 The Site Administration is not responsible for:

delays or failures in the process of conducting operations caused by force majeure, as well as any malfunctions in telecommunications, computer, electrical, and other related systems.
the actions of transfer systems, banks, payment systems, and for delays related to their work.
the proper functioning of the Site, in case the User does not have the necessary technical means for its use, and does not undertake any obligations to provide users with such means.

7. Breach of the Terms of User Agreement

7.1 The Administration has the right to disclose any information collected about the User of this Site, if disclosure is necessary in connection with an investigation or complaint about the Site abuse or to identify Users who may violate or interfere with the rights of the Administration or other Site Users.

7.2 The Administration has the right to disclose any information about Users that it deems necessary to comply with the provisions of current legislation or court decisions, the performance of the conditions of this Agreement, the protection of rights, or the safety of cvizor.com and its Users.

7.3 The Site Administration has the right to disclose information about the User if the current legislation of the European Union requires or allows such disclosure.

7.4 The Administration has the right to terminate and/or block access to the Site without prior notice to the User if the User has violated this Agreement or the terms of use contained in other documents, as well as in the event of termination of the Site or due to technical defects or problems.

7.5 The Site Administration is not responsible to the User or any third party for terminating access to the Site in case the User has violated any provision of this Agreement or any other document containing the terms of use of the Site.

8. Settlement of disputes

8.1 In the event of any dispute or disagreement between the parties to this Agreement, the submission of a claim (a written proposal for voluntary dispute resolution) is a mandatory prerequisite before going to court.

8.2 The recipient of the claim must notify the claimant of the results of the claim review in writing within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim.

8.3 If the dispute cannot be resolved voluntarily, either party may go to court to protect their rights, which are granted to them by the current legislation of the European Union.

8.4 Any claims or suggestions related to the operation of the Site, the terms of providing services through the Site, violations of the rights of third parties, should be sent to the email address of the Site Administration info@cvizor.com

9. Additional Terms

9.1 The Site Administration and the services offered on the Site are provided "as is". The Administration disclaims all warranties that the Site or its services may or may be suitable for specific purposes of use. The Administration cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from the use of the Site and/or its services.

9.2 The use of the Site, its services, and any content available on the Site is done entirely at your risk, which you fully accept.

9.3 Administration of the Website does not accept payments and store funds of users, all payment operations are performed through the intermediary NowPayments. Any questions related to payment should be addressed directly to the payment gateway NowPayments. The platform uses a system of virtual currency equivalent to USDT, which is credited to the user's balance after the payment is made.

10. User Agreement
This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") sets out the terms and conditions of use of the website cvizor.com (hereinafter referred to as "Site") by users of the Network, including
terms of use of materials posted on the site;
terms of placement of materials (including, but not limited to, text materials, images, comments) by Web users on the site.

The Site is an electronic publication on the World Wide Web, which includes the provision of information and data.

Use of the Site by the Web user indicates that the Web user accepts and agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as set out below.

This Agreement may be amended by the owner of the cvizor.com website in whole or in part at any time without any special notice.

The new version of the Agreement comes into force upon its publication on the website cvizor.com.

10.1 terms and conditions of use of the materials on the cvizor.com website

10.1.1 The Website contains content, trademarks and other legally protected material, including but not limited to text, photographs, videos, graphics, music and sound. All content on the website is protected by law as a work of collective creative labor in accordance with the provisions of Part IV of the Civil Code of the European Union. The Owner of cvizor.com shall have exclusive rights to use the content of the website (including the selection, arrangement, systematization and transformation of the data contained on cvizor.com, and the underlying data itself), except where noted otherwise in the content published on the website. The use of any information from the site for any purpose other than personal use is not permitted without the consent of the owner of the cvizor.com website. The provisions of this section of the Agreement are for the protection of the interests of cvizor.com and third parties who are copyright holders with respect to the content ("content") of the site. However, all right holders have the right to exercise their rights specified in this Agreement on their own.

10.1.2 The Web User may not modify, publish, transfer to third parties, participate in the sale or assignment, create derivative works or otherwise use, in whole or in part, the contents of the Site. The use of any photographic material or graphic images is not permitted without the written consent of cvizor.com. A Web user may download ("upload") material from the site, the rights to which are owned by cvizor.com, for personal use only. Except as otherwise provided for under European Union law, materials downloaded from the site may not be copied, distributed, transferred to a third party, published, or otherwise used for commercial purposes without obtaining written permission from the owner of cvizor.com or another legal copyright holder. If permission is granted to copy, distribute, publish or otherwise use copyrighted material from the website, such copying, distribution, publication or other use is not permitted without reference to the copyright and/or trademark owner. All content on the Site is protected by law.

10.2 terms of posting of materials by Web users on the cvizor.com website

10.2.1 The Web User undertakes to use the Website for lawful purposes only. The Network User undertakes not to post or send anywhere via/through the Site any materials of the following nature: violate the law, contain threats and insults, defame other people, violate the privacy or public order, are obscene, violate in any way honour and dignity, rights and legally protected interests of others, promote or contain calls to incite religious, racial or ethnic hatred, contain attempts to disseminate information that constitutes discrimination, or violate any code of conduct. Any actions by a Web user that in the opinion of cvizor.com restricts or hinders the rights of another Web user using the site are not permitted. cvizor.com is not responsible for the personal opinions expressed by users of the web site. The use of any information from the website for any purpose other than personal use is not permitted without the consent of cvizor.com.

10.2.2 The Network User undertakes not to post or send via/through the website any material advertising any goods or services without the prior written consent of cvizor.com. You agree not to use the Website to advertise or otherwise promote any goods or services.

10.2.3 The Network User undertakes not to upload, post or otherwise use any material protected by intellectual property laws (including copyright, trademark law), and other legally protected material, without the written consent of the owner of the rights to the protected material. At the same time, the burden of proof that the posting of materials by the Network User does not violate copyright, related or other rights of third parties to the posted materials lies with the Network User.

10.2.4 The Network User agrees that it is solely and entirely responsible for the materials posted on the Website, including but not limited to the content of such materials, their compliance with legal requirements, violations of third party rights to materials posted by the Network User, and will compensate any damages arising from such violations, as well as any damages arising from uploading such materials to the Website.

10.2.5 By posting any material to the public areas of the site, the Network User automatically grants to cvizor.com (or confirms that the owner of such material has granted cvizor.com) a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, modify, edit, publish, translate and distribute such material (in part or in whole) throughout the world and/or incorporate it in any form by using any material in other works. The Web User also grants permission to other Web users to access, view, store or reproduce such materials for their personal use. The Web User grants cvizor.com the right to edit, copy, publish and distribute any material posted by the Web User on the site. All content of the site is protected by the laws of the European Union.

10.3 This Agreement comes into force for any user from the moment of their accession to it.

10.4 The Agreement is valid for an indefinite period.

Suggestions and questions

Any suggestions or questions about this Policy should be emailed to info@cvizor.com.